
Calendula officinalis

It is believed that the mystic St Hildegard of Bingen was the first to name calendula Mary's Gold, after the Blessed Virgin, and hence its common name marigold. 

Topical preparations of calendula have long been used for anti-inflammatory, wound healing potential, as well as a general skin health tonic. 

In traditional European folklore, planting the marigold in the footsteps of her loved one, a girl could bind him to her forever.

20 grams

Calendula, also known as Marigold, has been used for centuries for its healing benefits. This herb has long been renowned for its therapeutic properties, and is commonly used in a variety of traditional medicine practices.

Calendula is an annual flowering plant that belongs to the daisy family. Native to the Mediterranean region, it has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used it to treat wounds, while the Greeks, Romans and Indians used it to treat a range of ailments such as headaches, toothaches, skin and digestive issues. 

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